Wild Things Animal Damage Control LLC

Beaver Trapping

Beaver cause millions of dollars to bridges , road right of ways and their aggressive tree destroying behavior  cause land to flood every year. Beaver are rodents and can multiply just like their little semi-aquatic cousins the muskrats. We hire out for beaver trapping and have a thing or too for that one shy beaver . We offer year round beaver management and use the best management practices available whether your property sits on a river, bayou, lake or pond.

Coyote Trapping

We trap coyote, fox and other predator species. We are often called in after a pet has been attacked and hired to find the offending coyote and remove them permanently.

Mole Trapper

We provide intensive gopher and mole trapping of your entire population and most properties corrected within the first 15 days. We offer low cost regular gopher and trapping maintenance programs where we regularly inspect your property for mole or gopher presence or damage and begin trapping right away. We love trapping for moles.

Raccoon Removal

Raccoon damage comes in many ways and always starts by raccoons being seen in the area, raccoons seen on your roof line, raccoons digging up grubs in your lawn or raccons in your chimney.  The biggest complaint is always raccoons in attics and a concern regarding raccoons and rabies and whether or not a young child or family pet should require special attention. We trap remove, control, catch and capture raccoons and other nuisance wildlife.

Squirrel Removal

We are professional squirrel exterminators and can handle any squirrel in attic or noise in attic you may have.

Skunk Removal

Skunks are of course famous for for their skunk odor and just getting a skunk away from your home does bring peace of mind and smells better too. Skunks can dig under the foundation of your home, under fences or any part of your landscaping including the garden, shrubs, trees and even tear up a lawn digging up a favorite grubs or the larvae of beetles in the soil of your lawn.

Snake Removal

Red milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspil...

Snakes, like bats, are often misunderstood and rarely pose any threat if they are simply left alone. The key operative word is left “alone”. Give them space, keep children and pets away and they usually will leave in minutes to an hour or two.  We often are called upon to remove snakes from inside structures like office buildings, homes, restaurants, apartment and condominium buildings, garages, medical facilities and most anywhere snakes and humans run into conflicts. We can assist you with the removal and identification of any snake species domestic or exotic, venomous or non-venomous .  Please call us for any black snake , water snake, rattle snake, copperhead, cotton mouth, water moccasin, milk snake, rat snake, brown snake, green snake or any snake concern up or your family members may have.  

Red milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspila) (Pictured)

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